Beta 1.2

Beta 1.2
Lines of code = 32 636
* Slabs now push each other on impact
* Slab walls now do impact damage
* Slabs can now suffocate cards
* Added new effects: Blurry and Blurry Mirrors
* Added inventory
* Made stealing easier for the player
* Made animals slightly smarter
* Animals now pick up and use healing tools
* Hurt animations last as long as they are stunned
* Animal sounds have a pitch relative to their scale
World Edit:  (default bind is F1 to spawn)
* For creating slabs, the draw and brush modes have been combiend into one mode
* The outline for drawings is now 3D
* Slabs can now be drawn with strokes, not only by clicking individually
* Copy paste a slab's shape by double clicking a slab
* Slabs can now be turned into towers (default bind is SCROLL)
* Added stair tool for slab towers (default bind is SHIFT)
* Setting the height of a slab now also moves the slabs above it
* Setting slab height is now done through CONTROL+LMB not RMB
* Type inventories now open facing with the selected type
* Renamed the card "God Hand" into "The Creator Hand"
* Added crosshairs to guns
* Added feedback for gunjumps (RMB)
* Improved the feedback style for slicing and digging (default binds are control and shift)
* Changed portal sky background from flat to round
* Portals no longer spin but instead stare at you in trippy way
* You can now fall into the void
* Added diminishing lighting
* The world now smoothly fades out at the render distance border
* Fog distance is now relative to render distance
* Now if you go too high above the highest slab surface, gravity will really bring you back to the ground
* When you enter a blank world, you will spawn with a world edit item
* World icons grow in size with play time
* The animated background gets dark around the world icons and brighter around the cursor
* Added visual feedback for when hovering the option to delete a world or universe
* Made new worlds that havent been played yet flash
* World icons now get blurry while dragging
* Framerate in menu is no longer capped
Universe Edit:  (default bind is F2 to spawn)
* Changed editor font
* Saving an edited file now reloads the universe and world, thus correctly updating everything
* Setting shadow quality is now simpler (default bind is M)
* Render distances are now saved per world (default bind is N)
* View mode is now saved per world (default bind is Q)
* View mode now goes to Overview Mode only with a double tap
* Bears now flash red instead of bleeding blood
* Added (temporary) death textures for grinder
* Added temporary shotgun textures
* Improved cigarette shotgun textures (will be removed in the next update)
* Removed bong gun textures
* Changed Creator Hand's fly speed icon from my foot to hand wings
* Added a slab to Creator Hand's Slab-Create and Slab-Paint mode icons
* Renamed "slowdown" to "friction" in card and slab .txt
* Reorganized the properties in card and slab .txt
* Moved icons and font settings from world.txt to menu.txt (check out %appdata%)
* Renamed "Universe Updates" folder to ".The Universe Loader"
* Disabled flashlights and pointlights for now due to bad bugs
* Dramatically optimized rendering performance by reducing if statements in card and slab shaders
* Improved performance of collision cases with large slabs
* Optimized mesh generation speed by detecting if a slab is convex
* The game's window title no longer displays how many lines of code the game has
* Slightly improved the .save format
* Fixed the whole forest flying into sky sometimes after loading a world
* Fixed held item having wrong texture when looking directly down
* Fixed textures being out of sync if loading a world after adding/deleting new textures
* Fixed collision accuracy when slicing slabs
* Fixed cut sometimes giving a slab a corner at 0,0
* Fixed not being able to toggle fullscreen in the menu
* Fixed rope hooking onto wrong position on fallen trees
* Fixed crazy velocity when hanging with rope while loading the world
* Fixed rope line's texture uv
* Fixed dead animals climbing walls
* Fixed self dying cards staying immortal if world got reloaded inbetween death
* Fixed plants not being revivable after reloading the world (but now cards dont do a grounded recheck on world load)
* Fixed rebirth


Nature Gaze beta 77 MB
Dec 17, 2023

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